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Esquimó -Técnica em grafite


I am Elisabeth Otani, designer with specialization in Visual Communication, formed by the EPA - Pan American School of Arts - SP, since 1987. In love with arts, my goal is to bring realism to the drawings, always seeking perfection through the details, where I subtly try to evidence elements That bring expressivity to drawing, such as wrinkles and lines of expression. Hair in general (hair, beard, mustache) and skin textures are also important in the composition of the drawing.




Since I was very young, I liked to draw, my notebooks were always full of colorful illustrations, which left the students with their eyes sparkling, to the point of being asked to draw on their materials. Over the years, I went to study in an arts school. I learned basic drawing concepts like proportion, perspective, line, shape, light and shadow. But I ended up going through the advertising and I got a little distant from the drawings. Formed, I worked in some advertising agencies, in the area of ​​creation, producing layouts and creating logos. It was a very creative phase, I liked what I did, but once again my life took a new turn and I had to give a break, which lasted 25 years, until finally I would draw again, believe me! Since then I have devoted myself to artistic work almost daily, it is like an addiction and I do not intend to quit this time. According to my mother, this is "bad" family, lol .... because she and some of my uncles have always had a very good and firm stroke to draw. By the way, I did not study techniques for realistic drawings, all the works that I have developed so far were intuitive, only later, I realized that this 'intuition' applies to drawings, that is, this is the technique. It comes naturally, perhaps because I give myself wholeheartedly to what I do, and it shows in the drawings.

So welcome everyone!

A big hug!

"You can dream, create, draw and build the most wonderful place in the world ... But you need to have people to turn your dream into reality ..." (Walt Disney)


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